MA Narrative Environments


2021 Spatial Practices Prize Award Winners

golden glitter on red background announcing the Spatial Practices Awards in white capital letters.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Spatial Practices Prizes for their innovative and inspiring Narrative Environments projects! Cultural Equity Award – Sixto Juan Zavala The Cultural Equity Award goes to MA Narrative Environments graduating student Sixto Juan Zavala for his project Queer Botany, a tour with a series of outdoor interpretive displays that tell

Tara Corovic awarded the The Steve Lumby Drawing Prize.

A graphic assemblage illustration from the Walking Brunel Project

Congratulations to graduating MA Narrative Environments student Tara Corovic on winning the Steve Lumby Drawing Prize, sponsored by Event Communications ltd. Her winning project, Borderless Museums, reconceives exhibition design by encouraging local museums to take the stories held within their walls out into the surrounding area. Rather than the local community having to come to

‘Dystopian Flight’ is the Spatial Practices Climate Care Award Winner.

illustration of a circular tubular structure with vapour coming out of it

MA Narrative Environments graduating student Eunbi Kim has won the Spatial Practices Climate Care Award with her final project ‘Dystopian Flight Experience’. This award is given to projects that advance the climate agenda within the field of spatial practices, tackle climate change in our communities and take a proactive role in embedding sustainability practices. Dystopian

‘Motherland to Fatherland’ is the Spatial Practices Cultural Equity Award winner!

An old black and white photograph of a woman sitting on a chair and a man in a suit standing behind her.

‘Motherland to Fatherland’ is the Spatial Practices Cultural Equity Award winning project by MA Narrative Environments graduating student Shrutika Jain. The Spatial Cultural Equity Award is given to student projects that embody values, policies and practices that ensure that all people are represented in the development of spatial practice. Motherland to Fatherland’ is an exhibition

‘Rooting Failure’ wins Spatial Practice Prize.

graphic image of three people interacting with a display in a tunnel

The project takes the form of an interactive installation challenging dominant understandings of failure through an immersive and contemplative route prompting participants to interact with one another by entangling threads, enabling the audience to explore the emotions related to the conditions of failing in different aspects of life in order to share renewed perspectives.  The overall

Knight Frank Award Winner 2018

Big congratulations to Rhiannon Williams who won 2018 Spatial Practices Prizes sponsored by Knight Frank for her MA NE final project Fracture Edit. The other prize winners included  MA Architecture students Louis Lupien, Billy Adams and Freddie Wiltshire. We are also proud of Spatial Practices prize nominees MA NE students Erica Corina Jensen and Ankita