MA Narrative Environments


2040: The Future Healthcare Ecosystem – Preventative and Centralised

How could London’s healthcare system function in a preventative and centralised way in 2040? In collaboration with ARUP, MA Narrative Environments first year students extrapolated out current health concerns including loneliness and depression, anxiety, stress, antibiotic resistance and an ageing population to imagine a Future Healthcare Ecosystem for London in 2040 inspired by the health

The Design Museum x MA Narrative Environments explore Storytelling through Design.

The Design Museum and MA Narrative Environments came together on  Wednesday 20th February 2019 to host an all day Industry Insights event exploring the relationship between space and stories. A diverse panel of designers and architects shared examples of their work and captivating insights into how to harness storytelling as a tool to narrate and

Knight Frank Award Winner 2018

Big congratulations to Rhiannon Williams who won 2018 Spatial Practices Prizes sponsored by Knight Frank for her MA NE final project Fracture Edit. The other prize winners included  MA Architecture students Louis Lupien, Billy Adams and Freddie Wiltshire. We are also proud of Spatial Practices prize nominees MA NE students Erica Corina Jensen and Ankita