MA Narrative Environments


In Practice with graduate Arif R Wahid

black and white portrait of man wearing glasses within a circular green frame.

Following lecturer and researcher Arif R Wahid’s captivating presentation at the MA Narrative Environments alumni event last month, we caught up with him in more depth about his inspiring post-disaster school design project in Indonesia, the global issues designers are responding to and a few words of advice for our students and fellow graduates. What

Maiden Lane Estate: Dancing in Gold!

photograph of women in gold heat blankets participating in an activity on a rooftop

Tackling social issues partly caused by the isolated location of the Maiden Lane Estate, Year 1 Narrative Environments students worked with local residents to create a proposal that activates empty public spaces around the estate to encourage interaction, promote cultural exchange and create platform for creative expression. The students staged an interview on the rooftop

The Decorators tables at the Tate Modern Summer Terrace.

Head down to the Tate Modern before the end of September for some communal cooking with locally sourced ingredients and check out The Decorator’s new 15 m long tables at the Tate Modern’s Summer Terrace. The tables are designed to change from bar table, to dining table, to picnic blanket and play host to all