MA Narrative Environments

Storyshapes 2016

traditional image of 6 asian figures in a room wearing traditional dress

In the Story Shape project MANE first year students explore the process and possibilities of ‘Narrative Environments’. The students will try to spark change through designing a sequence of events and spaces that, for an identified group of people, will

  • Take them on an intellectual and emotional journey that changes their perception of a place or subject.
  • Create a narrative environment that can facilitate this ‘unfolding of events’ in a unique and engaging way.

The students are expected to look at the target group’s experience before, during and after their encounter with the narrative environment and explain how they will measure success. Each of the projects is described in terms of its target group, the message to be communicated and the location where the narrative environment could be created. Beyond this, the students are free to develop their underlying message and apply their own creative skills in the research and telling of the narrative.

Way showing in East Village

The British Museum – Object in Focus Gallery

Austen Anniversary Festival

Thames River Boat

Elmley Nature Reserve

All Saints Church