MA Narrative Environments

People / Students / Lile Liu

black and white portrait of a woman with dark hair biting her lip.

I was admitted to Central Academy of Fine Arts and majored in Product Design in 2012, and then entered the exhibition workshop in my sophomore year.

My preliminary contact with courses of modeling basis and design basis equipped me with solid professional knowledge on freehand sketching, hand-made craft and model making on computer. I began to widely contact diversified majors like Home Design, Jewelry Design, Ceramic Design, Product Design and Interior Furnishing. Later, as I found interest in space, I entered the exhibition workshop and began my two-year study and research career.

I had lots of chances to contact spatial direction design, including not only interior space, commercial display space and architectural exhibition space but also displayed works of art in space—furniture, light, fabrics and green plants. Diversity in space interested me greatly. During my undergraduate stage, I had a good mastery in comprehensive materials like ceramics, colored glazes, metals, woods and clothes, and also had an excellent performance in linking objects with space.

I joined the company in 2017 and worked for three years. At work, I want to study the impact of space and products on people. How bold and innovative design can better penetrate people's daily life is the direction I want to try.

I am a responsible and self-management person. Work experience allows me to think more comprehensively. I like to get in touch with the content of different majors to expand my thinking and believed that a wide exploration in diversified majors could help broaden my horizon and also greatly improve my operational ability.

In the future, I want to be a designer with comprehensive capabilities, covering spacial and product design capabilities. Add a touch of color to people's lives with interesting designs.

Discipline: Product Design

Year of graduation: 2022