MA Narrative Environments
People / Staff / Tricia Austin
Tricia Austin is an academic, researcher, author, curator and design consultant. She co-devised the series of international summits ‘Re-envisioning Exhibition Design’ The series started with ‘Chaos at the Museum: Designing for Audience Participation’ in London, 2014. The second was ‘Chaos at the Museum: infiltrating the urban fabric’ Buenos Aries, 2016.
She co-edited and wrote a chapter ‘The Designer’s Role in Museums that Act as Agents of Change’ in The Future of Museum and Gallery Design: Purpose, Process and Perception published in 2018 by Routledge.
She is the author of Narrative Environments and Experience Design: Space as a Medium of Communication, published in 2020 by Routledge. The book makes the argument that people and place are inseparable and pursues the consequences of this insight through the design of narrative environments.
Her Expertise
Narrative theory and design practice. Tricia has lectured in Europe, Asia and South America and led a number of collaborative projects with universities and governmental organizations across the world. From 2011-13 Tricia was the UK lead on EU-PA, a two-year, EU funded, multidisciplinary project to develop culture-led city regeneration methodologies, involving multiple stakeholders and producing exemplar case studies in the UK, Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
Her focus
Tricia is interested in evolving models of multidisciplinary collaboration and the development of critical design practice for story-led, inclusive, placemaking. She sees design as a crucial practice that can enrich our lives and drive economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Discipline: Researcher, Design educator, Curator, Design Consultant