MA Narrative Environments

Journal List

A contemporary extension to a red brick building. The extension is white with a folded form, it has four windows on the front. Tables and chairs are visible through the windows.

The list below shows some academic journals that are relevant to researching the design of narrative environments.

Architectural Design 

Architectural Theory Review

Architecture and Ideas

arq: architectural research quarterly


Body and Society


City – Analysis of Urban Trends


Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies

Convergence: the international journal of research into new media

Culture & Psychology

 Curator: the museum journal

Design Issues

Design Journal

Design Studies

Digital Creativity

Ecological Psychology

Environment and Behavior

Ethics, Place & Environment


Games and Culture

Gender, Place and Culture

Harvard Design Magazine

Home Cultures

Image & Narrative

International Planning Studies

Journal for Cultural Research

Journal of Architecture

Journal of Cultural Economy

Journal of Cultural Geography

Journal of Landscape Architecture

Journal of Material Culture